




With the more and more in-depth and extensive application of information technology in management, the implementation of management information system has gradually matured in technology. This paper introduces the entire development process of the design and implementation of the furniture shopping applet based on the WeChat applet. By analyzing the deficiencies of the design and implementation management of the furniture shopping applet based on the WeChat applet, a computer management scheme for the design and implementation of the furniture shopping applet based on the WeChat applet is created. The article introduces the system analysis part of the design and implementation of the furniture shopping applet based on WeChat applet, including feasibility analysis, etc. The system design part mainly introduces the system function design and database design.
This furniture shopping applet based on WeChat applet has two roles of administrator and user. The administrator function is mainly operated in the background browser, including personal center, user management, furniture classification management, new furniture management, order management and system management. Users mainly register and log in in the WeChat applet, can view the furniture information released by the administrator and can purchase the operation. Therefore, it has certain practicality.
The background of this site adopts the TP5 framework of PHP for background management and development. You can log in on the browser to manage the background data. MySQL is used as the local database, and the WeChat applet uses the WeChat developer tool to fully ensure the stability of the system. The system has the characteristics of clear interface, simple operation and complete functions, which makes the design and implementation of furniture shopping applet based on WeChat applet systematized and standardized.
Keywords:Design and implementation of furniture shopping applet based on WeChat applet; TP5 framework; MYSQL database

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