付费网站_html个人信息页面源码_席庆伟 山东省政府办公厅_网站需求分析有哪些 摘要





With the continuous development and innovation of computer science and technology, various applications based on the Internet have gradually attracted people's attention. The Springboot coal stove website proxy cutting system uploads a wide range of products through the internet, enabling customers to remotely select and purchase products. Customers can browse the fresh products of the store anytime, anywhere, which is a development and innovation of traditional product sales.

In terms of product selection, the traditional purchasing method is to go from store to store for door-to-door shopping. Sometimes, when purchasing a certain product, it takes several stores to run, and the user experience will sharply decrease. Many merchants have also started developing product reservation and selection platforms, which bring new experiences to users, especially in terms of time and space, allowing users to trade as long as they are connected to the internet no matter where they are. The development project of this Springboot coal stove website proxy cutting system is based on the Springboot framework, adopts Java development methods, and uses a MySQL database to explain the various functions and user needs of this Springboot coal stove website proxy cutting system. Then, according to the user's needs for sweet product trading, the overall design and detailed design of the system are introduced, Provided users with a method for building the overall structure of the Springboot coal furnace website proxy cutting system. So as to meet the needs of users for autonomous trading.

Keywords: Springboot; MYSQL; Springboot Coal Stove Website Outsourcing System





付费网站_html个人信息页面源码_席庆伟 山东省政府办公厅_网站需求分析有哪些

  现在淘宝的商品类目属性已经是地球上最大的了,几乎没有什么类目的商品在淘宝上找不到(除了违禁的),但最初类目属性改造完之后,我们很缺属性数据,尤其是数码类的最缺。那从哪里弄这些数据呢亲?我们跟“中关村在线”合作,拿到了很多数据,那个时候,很多商品属性信息的后边标注着:“来自中关村在线”。有了类目属性,给运营的工作带来很大的便利,我们知道淘宝的运营主要就是类目的运营,什么季节推什么商品,都要在类目属性上面做调整,让买家更容易找到。例如夏天我要用户在女装一级类目下就标出来材质是不是蕾丝的、是不是纯棉的,冬天却要把羽绒衣调到女装一级类目下,流行什么就要把什么商品往更高级的类目调整。这样类目和属性要经常调整,随之而来的问题就显现了 —— 调整到哪个类目,那类商品的卖家就要编辑一次自己的商品,随着商品量的增长,卖家的工作量越来越大,然后我们就发现卖家受不了啦。到了 2008 年,我们研究了超市里面前后台商品的分类,发现超市前台商品可以随季节和关联来调整摆放场景(例如著名的啤酒和尿布的关联),后台仓库里面要按照自然类目来存储,二者密切关联却又相互分开。然后我们就把前后台类目分开了,这样卖家发布商品选择的是自然类目和属性,淘宝前台展示的是根据运营需要而摆放的商品的类目和属性。改造后的类目属性服务取名叫做 forest(森林,跟类目属性有点神似。catserver 还在,提供卖家授权、品牌服务、关键词等相关的服务)。类目属性的服务化,是淘宝在系统服务化方面做的第一个探索。 

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